I know, I know, it's has been quite a while since I last posted. But to be honest, I don't really feel like I've had much to blog about, for once. I had a fantastic time visiting friends in Europe and if you want to look at pictures from that just check them out on facebook, if you don't have a facebook account just send me an email and I can send you a zip file with all of them. I've been spending a lot of my time recently working at the mobile advertising firm
Millennial Media, working on all sorts of new campaigns and exciting stuff. Depending on the outcome of all of that I may post some of the recent happenings on here. The picture below was taken by
Christopher Simpson. He's got a new website up, you should really check it out, great work. On the wall in the image you can see a poster by a good friend
William Davis, who recently sent me a care package via England, thanks a lot the stuff looks great. Besides that things have been pretty quiet around here, they'll start up again soon though, I'm sure. Check back for new work and other musings.