Back. In the last two months I have been to 2 countries, 6 cities, started 2 new projects, taken over a thousand pictures, updated my website numerous times, read three books and written over 20 pages of material concerning things that I couldn't even begin to get into here and now (...the praxiological nature of art and its ever-swaying place in society). I wanted to fill you in on the things that matter to me right now and, perhaps, should matter to you as well. I've broken ground on a new project entitled, We Know It's There. It will be a multi-media campaign overviewing the absurdity and procedures that have been taken concerning Maryland's highly controversial capital punishment laws. I will be developing a website to inform and activate people against the cruel and unusual monster that is American capital punishment. Links: MDCASE , Death Penalty Info Center .
My latest tribute to Kosuth:
sounds fucking good to me, mate
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